Sodium hypochlorite is a colorless or slightly yellow watery liquid with an odor similar to that of household bleach. It is produced by the reaction of chlorine and sodium hydroxide.

Sodium hypochlorite is also known as soda bleach. Its chemical formula of NaOCl is used extensively for domestic bleach manufacturing and industrial applications such as wastewater treatment and industrial cooling water. “Hypo” is in high demand as a cost-effective way to prevent the spread of infections via water-borne diseases. It is a bleaching agent for rayon, pulp and paper, cotton, linen and jute. It is also a disinfectant and deodorant in dairies, water treatment (chlorination), household bleach, pool chlorination, and more.

Sodium hypochlorite is available in various concentrations of 6% to 15% and is transported in intermediate bulk containers (IBCs), bulk road tankers, plastic drums or cans of various sizes.

Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is a solution made from reacting chlorine with a sodium hydroxide solution. These two reactants are the major co-products from most chlor-alkali cells. Sodium hypochlorite, commonly referred to as bleach, has a variety of uses and is an excellent disinfectant/antimicrobial agent.

The Institute produced the following materials to address key areas important for both safety and successful use. These documents can be downloaded free of charge. If you produce or use sodium hypochlorite, CI strongly suggests that you also consider obtaining Pamhplet 96, Sodium Hypochlorite Manual and the Handling of Sodium Hypochlorite Safety Video. These products can be ordered on this website in the CI Bookstore.

  1. Bleach – Storage Guidelines for End Users
  2. Sodium Hypochlorie (NaOCI) Incompatibility Chart (English Version)
  3. Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) Incompatibility Chart (Spanish Version)
  4. HYPO-DVD) Handling Sodium Hypochlorite Safely
  5. Sodium Hypochlorite Customers Generic Safety Checklist (Bulk Users)
  6. Sodium Hypochlorite Release Fact Sheet

Pamphlet 96) Sodium Hypochlorite Manual includes the following resources:

  • Appendix B: Bulk loading/Unloading Checklist
  • Appendix C: Bleach Storage Guidelines
  • Appendix F: Avoiding Accidental Mixing of Sodium Hypochlorite
  • Sodium Hypochlorite Only – Guidance Document Signage
  • Appendix G: Sodium Hypochlorite Incompatibility Chart (English Version)
  • Appendix H: Best Practice Guidance for the Safe Handling of Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs)


  • Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is a compound that can be effectively used for water purification.
  • It is used on a large scale for surface purification, bleaching, odor removal, and water disinfection.
  • Sodium hypochlorite is used on a large scale. It is used in agriculture, chemical industries, paint and lime industries, food industries, glass industries, paper industries, pharmaceutical industries, synthetics industries, and waste disposal industries.
  • In the textile industry, sodium hypochlorite is used to bleach textile.
  • It is sometimes added to industrial wastewater. This is done to reduce odors.
  • Hypochlorite neutralizes sulphur hydrogen gas (SH) and ammonia (NH3).
  • It is also used to detoxify cyanide baths in metal industries.
    Hypochlorite can be used to prevent algae and shellfish growth in cooling towers.
  • In water treatment, hypochlorite is used to disinfect water.
  • In households, hypochlorite is used frequently for the purification and disinfection of the house.


Sodium Hypochlorite (6%)

Parameters   Specification
Appearance   Clear greenish yellow aqueous solution
Odor   Pungent chlorine odor
Molecular weight   75.45r
Melting point   -5°C to -25°C
Boiling point   40°C -76°C (104-169°F)
Specific gravity   1.07-1.15@ 20°C
Vapour Density (Air = 1)   2.61
Vapor pressure@ 20°C   12-17mm Hg
Solubility (water)   100%


Sodium Hypochlorite (12%)

Parameters   Specification
Appearance   Clear greenish yellow aqueous solution
Odor   Pungent chlorine odor
Molecular weight   75.45
Melting point   -5°C to -25°C
Boiling point   40°C -76°C (104-169°F)
Specific gravity   1.220-1.270 @ 20°C (Water=1)
Vapour Density (Air = 1)   2.61
Vapor pressure@ 20°C   12-17mm Hg
Solubility (water)   Very soluble


Sodium Hypochlorite (6%)

Parameters   Specification
PH   10.5-12.5
Specific Gravity at 20º C   1.07-1.150
NaOCl wt %   5.2-7.5
Available chlorine gpl   55.0-85.0
Excess Alkali as NaOH gpl   1.0-2.5
Excess Alkali as Na2CO3 gpl   4.0-10.0
Iron as Fe+3 ppm   ≤ 1.0
Copper as Cu +2 ppm   ≤ 0.20
Nickel as Ni+2 ppm   ≤ 0.20